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Hi, Kate: I am still learning things about this site and was not aware that I could leave a comment on this poll! Well, then poll has spoken! I consider the palace to be the best chat room on aff and I hope it stays that way. I would do my best to help keep this wonderful chat open. That's my contribution. Be well.
i know the palace as it’s up’s and downs but it is still one of the most popular rooms . as mods it can be hard at times when we all have busy work schedule’s but we do try our best to be here as much as possible and keep the palace running smoothly and drama free . a lot of my friends love coming here and i hope we can keep the room for a long time to come . i personally would be so gutted if it closed . i know i have not been around done to personal circumstances but i try to be here when ever possible and would be lost without it . please keep it open and i promise to try and get here more . thank u for your hard work Kate x
Hello and thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and how you feel. It is after reading yours and the other responses very apparent to me that the Palace must remain as it has become stead fast for so many and I think I had missed that and for that I was wrong. If the truth be known the Palace does not belong to any one member it belongs to all of us, each member owns a small piece of the Palace to be able to call home, and that is amazing. We all have the Palace and we always will it will not be closed down as it is not just one decision on the future of the Palace its the voice of many including yours and for that I am very thank full. You have dedicated alot of your time and efforts to the Palace over the years and your contributions have made such a huge difference, you are amazing and thank you for showing me what I have been missing...........Kate
The site has changed countless times and never for the better, which drags down all the groups. I don't think anything specifically negative has happened to the Palace itself. It's still a great place with great people, the only room I spend any real amount of time in and one I'm proud to moderate and promote!
Hello and thank you for taking the time to offer comment and suggestion. You have made a number of very good suggestions we need to look at and I would like to personally like to thank you for all your time and efforts in the Palace to help it get to where it is today. You have been with the Palace for a long time and you have been always positive and very interactive in your presence you are a huge asset to the Palace and to myself and for that I thank you, it has not gone un noticed..................Kate
maybe just some fresh paint and a new photo
Good Morning, I do appreciate your comment as it shows me it is time to change the image and presentation of the palace as the current one has grown old. I have been looking the past days for a new sign and I will be changing the welcome message on the entrance page hopefully before I have to leave and if not it will have to be a little later and I am not sure of the paint but the reference is well accepted, Thank you again, so little has said so much to me...................Kate
The Palace is one of the few rooms on the site that consistently has many visitors...some days, it is quiet but most of the time, the Palace has half a dozen or more regular visitors, almost every day and sometimes several times a day. For the sake of those regular visitors, I hope the Palace remains open.