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I am sure that i am going to get called names and a liberal. Lets be clear, i don't care for politics, and when i visit a site that is about enjoying sex in all forms and manner, is kinda a mood killer. When we first talk to another couple ,i tell them we don't talk politics, i don't care who you voted for. I don't care what college basketball team you root for. We look for like minded people, who like doing things in bed and out of bed. In other words couples who become friends. But lets be clear about what we do . Nothing we do and thats anyone who does not follow the church teachings about marriage is totaly safe in the future. This is not something that i got from a liberal news site. Its what i see everyday in a very small town, that is Trump/ Republican and has 6 churches in a 8 mile radius. The town itself has about 972 town residents.but is in a large county. Every one of these churches have high position people that i know and are Trump supporters and i happen to be friends with a lot of them. Thats fine, this is America. I can tell you that each of these churches would condem, the things we like to do among consenting adults, and would gladly like to see web sites like this shut down. So don't look for dumb 1 sided remarks by news sites, do your own research and ask yourself, what would happen if a party that tells everyone that they are the christan party, Had the power to shut down sites like this. Would they?
I'm Not American don't consider myself a Trump supporter - but the actuality is that he will do more for America then the other Party. As an Albertan 1st and Canadian Second, we are probably closest to American political ideology - and at the rate our Canadian government screws the average Albertan over we will probe be the 51st State. and leave Canada! we are the Texans of the North with Oil and Gas and rednecks and well we just need guns - LoL
So… you want us to fuck your wife while you watch?
7 days Libs
Scares me. Isolationism in a global world is not the answer. But we'll see what happens.
You have been brainwashed by MSM but don’t worry
So much for a place without political crap. Both sides are so divided, and both sides are so delusional. Sorry, but the MAGA side has so many blinders on. I'm independent, and honestly, every 4 years the choice for president gets even worse than before. Neither party gives a shit about the average American. I hope trump succeeds, because it's he does we all do. But his vision of states
Mmmmm liberal tears
I love that there’s a 40:1 ratio of patriots to butthurt marxists
So ready to get America back on the right track.