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15 out of 20..and the night is still young! LOL
That list checks many of my boxes. So many...I must be a pervert? Lol
Is pervert a goal?
@PonyGirl1965 Hmm, good question. More likely a fundamental attribute of me, lol
Perfect bucket list 😈😈 !!! Someone pls help me !!! lol
Yikes. I uh...have uh...well. There were more boxes ticked than not. Like...a LOT more. Dang. LOL
It means you are fun
Lol there's only one thing I didn't mark. I'm such a perv.
Perv = Fun
Yikes... only two didn't get ticked... I guess my slut status is safe...
...but we are still "Normal" folks!
Absolutely normal!!!
I've got 7 on the list. But I have more I wish I could check off.
Keep working at it
Interesting list. I guess I still haven’t tried it all!
And this is just a partial list of kinks
Best part of the lifestyle is exploring all your kinks, fantasies, and a few things you've only heard about.
Life is short. We want to have fun
No block for checking all at once? 🤣 OK, not QUITE true, but a missing selection has given me another idea for one of this year's HNW letter theme collaborations with S!
You have such creative pictures. I bet S loves your imagination!
@PonyGirl1965 Ooohhh, don't discount her own delightfully twisted mind. 😁
I ticked a lot!
@Milawendy Consider yourself ticked!
Thats why you tell such great stories
13/20 wow actually surprised myself!!! lol
A great poll here today, you should have a great turnout for this one. I hope you enjoy a fantastic Friday.
I hope your weekend is incredible!!
All but one is me: super pervy, but still with a goal!
I feel that I have missed out on a lot on that list.
Look i love playing toys good... Another kinks I'm voting for i wish to try and get this fantasy experience.. because I admire them ... great polls between bloggers we'll see what next
Well that was eye opening - kinkier and sluttier than I think - ok well maybe I just identify as being new to this and pure of thought .... LoL I'm a raging sissy slut - fill my holes and leave or come back for seconds either way I'm good!
I am a very open M part time cross dresser, in Central PA
Sounds like fun yummy 😋
Hi sexy
Total submissive and just love it all!!!
When my gf passed away I went through some of our old text messages and we had talked about our bucket lists. We checked off every item off of our bucket list, and 15 items off of the list posted here.
One thing that would be good for this list next time would be to go to an adult-themed resort or cruise (Desire, Hedo, etc.). We did that too.
8oz balls hanging from my nipples, absolutely love the pain
10 For me